Monday 8 August 2016

5 minute breakfast/lunch - sweet potato toast

This is my go to breakfast when I crave something satisfying in the mornings or for a quick and easy lunch.  There are literally 5 ingredients and it takes 5 minutes to prepare:

1 slice of sweet potato
1 Tomato
1/2 Avocado
2 tbsp. hummus
Handful of baby spinach

Cut a relatively generous slice out of a large sweet potato and pop in your toaster - it may take 2 turns to cook through, you'll know if its cooked by pricking it with a fork right in the middle.  It should feel soft.
Whilst that's cooking, slice up a tomato and half an avocado.  Once the sweet potato is cooked, layer the hummus, tomato (I sprinkled a little black pepper on mine but that's just my preference), avocado and top with spinach.  Easy and nutritious!

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